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Friday, November 5, 2010

2010 Paper 2 Q4 - Binomial theorem

(i) Given that the constant term in the binomial expansion of 

is 7, find the value of the positive constant k.

(ii)  Using the value of k found in part (i), show that there is no constant term in the expansion of

(i) For the first expansion, we recall the general term of a binomial expansion, which is

and this simplifies to

Hence, the term independent of x (constant term) is when 8 – 4r = 0
or when  r = 2
therefore, the constant term is  8C2 (-k)2 = 7
                                                                28k2 = 7
                                                                k = ½

(ii)  This is a tricky one. At first glance, one might think that the question is wrong. Afterall, if the constant term of the binomial expansion is 7 and if it is multiplied by a 1 from the expression (1 + x4), that will surely give a constant of 7. So why would there not be a constant term? Well, that is because we also need to look at what the x4 term multiplies with. If the corresponding x-4 term is -7, then when the two constants are added together, it is zero!
So, let us now find out what the coefficient of x-4 is in the binomial expansion.
For the term in x-4, then 8 – 4r = -4
                                                4r = 12
                                                r = 3
Substitute r = 3 into the expression, we get the coefficient of x-4 as  8C3(-½)3 = 56(-1/8) = -7!
Hence, we have shown that there would not be a constant term in the expansion.

Maths is cool, isn't it??

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